Become an Advanced Reader or Beta Reader (FREE BOOKS)
Hey Everyone!
Been a while since my last release but finally I've finished Inked 9 and brought a close to the series. Soon, I hope to have print versions of INKED and PRISON POLITICS available. You all will be the first to know when they are available.New Website
I've made some updates to my website and you should definitely check it out when you have a chance. You can now do a one click signup to join the site with FB and be able to engage with me in a forum or in groups.Become an Advanced Reader or Beta Reader (FREE BOOKS)
I've just launched my BEASTIES program. If you want to join me through my writing process or just want the finished product for free be sure to enroll as a BEASTIE: Call for Upcoming Authors
If you are an upcoming author or an author looking for exposure or a little income for you writing you should check out my current open call. I am paying $50 for non-exclusive rights to publish your short story in a "Creeps in the Night" themed black, gay erotic anthology. Check out the link for more details: -
Hi Priest!
I can't seem to reach either of the websites you've shared.
Hopefully that gets resolved. Regardless, best of luck with the new material!
Hell, I ought to read this sub-forum more often. There'll be some gems here, no doubt.
It seems the site if down for me as well, I would try back in a day or two.
It seems the site if down for me as well, I would try back in a day or two.
Oh, hold on— you're not the author? I think I've made a mistake, then. I thought it was you promoting the advanced reader and the open call. My bad!
Still, I'll check back in a couple of days, yeah. Hopefully everything'll be up and running at that time.
The site is up again!
Very neat. I haven't read published gay literature before, so I'm doubly excited because this is gay black lit. Awesome.
Also happy about the Open Call. A minimum 10 000 words, plus there's a supernatural/horror flavour? Time to flex my writing muscles.
Yes, the site is back up and running. I also found one of his books on Amazon for free if you use Kindle.