We appreciate your recent upload and want to help you get this torrent started, so that others can enjoy the files and you can get the maximum upload credit!
Delete the torrent…just the torrent in your torrent program (if the torrent isn't in your torrent program, continue to the next step). Then make sure that there is a copy of the file you are uploading in the FOLDER THAT YOUR TORRENT PROGRAM USES FOR STORING TORRENTS THAT ARE DOWNLOADING...where your active downloads are located on your computer.
Now click "Download" again on your torrent page on GayTorrent.ru. Watch the download page of your torrent program and see if it "checks" the file, and then moves it to the completed download page of your torrent program. At that point you should be complete, and within a few minutes you should be seeding your torrent.
If this doesn't solve your torrent problem, go through Step 5: Trouble Shooting:
https://www.gaytorrent.ru/uploadguide.php#95 of the Upload Guide and/or write the Helpdesk above in the blue bar, and explain your problem. One of our staff with answer you as soon as possible for one on one help. We want to help you get this torrent running properly.We appreciate your support of GayTorrent.ru, and thank you for your efforts.
是不是把我要上传的视频给删了,然后再用种子下载? -
比如說你用utorrent,那就把裡面你正在上傳的那個種子刪除後重新到網站上下載 路徑記得選一樣沒有錯的話他會開始跑檢查檔案之後就會繼續上傳了
我用的路由器 -
可能的原因有很多 這就要靠您自己去找出來了
可能是軟體的設定問題 連線的設定問題 防火牆之類的 -
另外,用什么软件下载比较好,我用的是比特彗星 -
推薦使用utorrent,你可以更換連接埠試試 多換幾次看能不能被連接到