Catalogue your movies
Wasn't quite sure where to post this, it applies to general and themed movies. No doubt our moderator will move it if he thinks it should be elsewhere.
I'd been wanting to set up a database of my movies for a long time, to include title, director, main cast and a synopsis of the plot. The big problem was that I thought I would have to copy all that from the IMDB entry for each movie, one section at a time.
Then I found MovieFinder and it is really as simple as dragging and dropping your file name from your hard drive or disc or entering your movie title. The program then automatically looks up the name on IMDB, enters the info it can find there and adds a cover picture if there is one and adds a record to the database.
Check this tutorial video to see how simple it is.
Then you can search or order the database in all sorts of ways, check this tutorial
Have a look at list of features complete with pictures.
It is free to use although there is a donation nag each time you start it. I found this so useful that I donated within three days. The author is very helpful, always replies to emails and is open to any suggestion to improve his program.
Just a point about the tutorials they are from an earlier version and may not show exactly how it works now.
I catalogued over 600 movies in days rather than the months I thought I'd need. Highly recommended…and no, I am not on a percentage or anything
Do give it a try!
Must of missed this because I'm very busy lately ::). I hope this application could be useful to users :cheers:
sounds really good, i'm kinda OCD with the movies in my HDD.
Thanks for the tip cannonmc!