Acne wound while having sex
Help me please!
I had an acne wound on my face which was bleeding while i was having sex. It was just an oral sex(he gave me the oral) and hugging,kissing etc. not anal sex. My partner didn't come on my face,he came on my leg. So I'm so worried. It was my first sex and he has a lot of partnersI need to clear my mind. What do you think? Please share your precious knowledge with me. Thank you. :th:
Your Fine. The chances of catching HIV or any major STD from something like that are so slim its hard to measure. Stop worrying and have some fun.
The chances of anything from a wound of that nature are almost immeasurable, they're that slim. By the same token, there has not been so much as one documented case of HIV transmission from oral sex alone, unless you count the very not well documented case where a woman alleges to have received it from a man she later found out was HIV+ with whom she had oral sex the day after dental surgery while everything was still bleeding…..
Needless to say, the chances of it being transmitted even if they are HIV+ are damn near nonexistent.
So I shouldn't be worried about it. My story is not that big like this case
Thank you so much
not big at all. relax
I'm in agreement with the opinion of others here. No chance of getting HIV through acne and semen. First of all, the bleeding pustule is probably exudating, meaning any fluid is coming out and preventing anything getting in. The moderator is correct. Unless you have an open wound in your mouth, saliva can (no absolute proof) prevent virii from getting into the bloodstream. Again, it's important to know that HIV must get through the mucous membrane and into the blood. That's the only way for it to multiply.