Hello, Runewell here.
Hi everyone,
I'm a graduate student focusing on commercial illustration. I consider myself an adult that hasn't really grown up yet, though :D. In life I love to draw, write, read, and play video games. I also spend quite a bit of time on this site during my free time >:D
I used to post on JustUsBoys and I stopped a few years ago. been a while since I posted in a gay forum, and I've been itching to get my voice back out there in whatever little way possible. Since then I've had a few more experiences and I'd like to share! I had forgotten how much fun it is to post and read others' reactions.
:welcome: Runewell, we'll look forward to seeing you a lot then
Thanks Cannonmc! I will be around a lot!
Hello :pleasant:
welcome man!
wlecome you、
Welcome and happy downloading!