Bodybuilder Ryan Nelson and Bodybuilder Pavel Nikolay
Do you know if Ryan Nelson has done some bare glutes photoshoot or video?
on the Pumping Muscle page he is stated as model, but I have not seen any officially relaased video?
Any ideas?
Additionally, have you watched or do you have some of the cam recorded videos of Pavel Nikolay form livemuscleshow?
Ryan Nelsons PumpingMuscle videos are on Youtube.
Yes, I know about those on youtube, but I think these are like previews
The other models' videos contain some nudity shots, Ryan's on youtube do not…
Any ideas about Kieran Billen or Jed Hassell videos?
Anyone any news?
Anyone any news on this?
Ryan Nelsons PumpingMuscle videos are on Youtube.
That says a lot about how interesting are his videos for PM lol
But I think the videos of Ryan Nelson on youtube are not the same style as those that should be available on pumpingmuscle.
Has anyone watched any of the flexing videos of Armandas from Teen Athletes? He is already over 18 years old.