Can't find torrent that used to be here (Darren – Private Pain)
Can't seem to find a torrent that used to be here (Darren – Private Pain).
How can I find out what happened to it? -
This seems to be a big problem on this site. Torrents that I saw just hours ago go suddently missing. It is particularily troubling when talking about large compilations. I have started downloading a 40GB compilation only to get to 50% and then it´s all gone. No trace of it. This happens a lot here. I talked about it with the helpdesk, but they are less than helpful.
Torrents get deleted due to DMCA takedown request and also for being a duplicate. I think we are very helpfull….
Is there a list of DMCA takedown requests?
Unfortunately not, Heryro. Some time ago, I was asking for a log ( or anything else ), which the users might see as well, to be informed about them, but no one from the team seemed to be interested in that feature ( Forum > > Suggestions & Site Feature Requests > DMCA - Takedown notices - and other deletions )