Hei from NOrway
I'm from Norway, I like snowboarding, hiking, cooking, gym, painting and video games. Yeah, and sex :missio:
I have a bf.
Not much in to introductions so I'll leave it at that.
:welcome: Rawr
Hope you enjoy yourself here
What type? Console? PC? XBox, Playstation? FPS, Platformer, Racing?
I'm into them too, but mostly JRPGS with a sprinkling of Sonic the Hedgehog, MegaMan and Mario thrown in XD. Recently I got into Dark Souls/Demon Souls…so difficult!!! DX
What type? Console? PC? XBox, Playstation? FPS, Platformer, Racing?
I'm into them too, but mostly JRPGS with a sprinkling of Sonic the Hedgehog, MegaMan and Mario thrown in XD. Recently I got into Dark Souls/Demon Souls…so difficult!!! DX
Dude I love Dark souls!
I'm playing ps3 and pc. Only fantasy games, I don't like reality much
, but a wide genre, preferebly something with strategy or roleplaying elements favorites are :
ssx, burnout series, skaterpgs:
Fallout3, mass effect, final fantasy 7,8,9 and 10,Adventure:
Kingdom hearts 1-2, Ratchet and clank series, Uncharted, Diablo 3, Dynasty warriors+sengoku basara, smgalaxy2,FPS:
Half life, farcry3 + blood dragonRTS:
Starcraft 2, sim city 4, rollercoaster tycoon 3Gotta say Sim city3and4, burnout revenge, SSX tricky and 3, ratchet and clank all series and kingdom hearts1and2 played a huuuge role in my life :PPPP
You are speaking my language haahha!! Looks like we have a lot of gaming experience in common!! The very same games have filled many hours of my childhood and fueled my imagination
I definitely had my time with SSX and Burnout…somehow I lost my Burnout game though. Had many a great night with my brother on that one.
Final Fantasy - nuff said!! Also a huge fan of those games and have played every one. I'm not an MMO person but FF XIV might change that. It looks awesome!! Kingdom Hearts is another great series. Currently have only play KH1 and KH2, haven't gotten to any of the spinoffs or side stories…but I'm waiting so anxiously for KH3!!
I've only played the first Rachet and Clank but I did love it XD. I'm pretty sure I own Dynasty warriors 2 - 7. LOL!! It just never gets old…love the hack and slash through hordes with a little strategy added.
Also a Sim City fan! I actually got into it through a mod someone did on my Xbox where he put the ENTIRE SuperNintendo library on it!! Since then I've played SimCity 4 and SimCity 3000 but I always get to a point where I just can't maintain the city anymore…bad management I guess XD
I like Norwegians, but I am taken.
You are speaking my language haahha!! Looks like we have a lot of gaming experience in common!! The very same games have filled many hours of my childhood and fueled my imagination
I definitely had my time with SSX and Burnout…somehow I lost my Burnout game though. Had many a great night with my brother on that one.
Final Fantasy - nuff said!! Also a huge fan of those games and have played every one. I'm not an MMO person but FF XIV might change that. It looks awesome!! Kingdom Hearts is another great series. Currently have only play KH1 and KH2, haven't gotten to any of the spinoffs or side stories…but I'm waiting so anxiously for KH3!!
I've only played the first Rachet and Clank but I did love it XD. I'm pretty sure I own Dynasty warriors 2 - 7. LOL!! It just never gets old…love the hack and slash through hordes with a little strategy added.
Also a Sim City fan! I actually got into it through a mod someone did on my Xbox where he put the ENTIRE SuperNintendo library on it!! Since then I've played SimCity 4 and SimCity 3000 but I always get to a point where I just can't maintain the city anymore…bad management I guess XD
Well you have really good taste then
The new SSX sucks…. it's missing the fun.. the new sim city sucks even more. I think a large map in sc4 was 40 times larger then the map in simcity2013, and then you could have like 50 large maps on a region.
Never has a game offended me like sc2013. Back in thise golden days I used to go to REAL maps on google of san fransisco and Hong Kong and remake the entire city in the game. That's how good it was, and the music, holy crap such a mighty feeling. YOu need cheats for such a feat tho, and a couple mods. That game was haaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.
It seems EA is completly out of touch with what made their games great. Now same thing is happening to rollercoaster tycoon 4.
atleast final fantasy 15 and kingdom hearts 3 look great. I also trust insomniac to bring back ratchet and clank! and criterion… some day... burnout. so my childhood is not completly lost
I didn't play KH spin offs either, just chain of memories on a GBA emulator, really cool gameplay actually.
Which ff is ur fav? mine is 9 followed by 10... altho Tidus was a crybaby.
Insomniac is remaking The first ratchet and clank along with a full movie for it. That's be great cos the story and feeling was so good in the original, but the triology on ps3 is simply amazing you have got to try them, they are soooo good, lik 95% good
Also the newest dynasty warriors 8 is easily the best in the series. If you liked those, you should try Sengoku basara, there is a new one coming soon. And Kingdom under fire 2
welcome here mate
Hello to Norway