Hey Raphjd
Fortunately this never went ahead, but is back on the cards now with our Prime Minister attempting to force this on us without our consent via signing the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) which among several economic blows it will bring to this beautiful country, will also mandate ISP level filtering, effectively achieving their goal by completely sidestepping the fact that a government is meant to be "by the people, for the people" in fact by signing this agreement he will be enforcing the filtering without even consulting the Australian Legislature. A very crafty move in my opinion.
It is bad enough that the government of all western cultures already actively force their ISPs to provide the web history of their customers upon request, and then share them with each other, which can only create a climate of fear just because you are a different sexuality, I am not looking forward to the day when the content police come knocking on my door for being a bisexual, But now they are threatening to take away my access to content as well
Anyway, sorry to revive a thread that is long dead, I just think more people should be aware of and be outraged by what the government is doing in this country. And yet i can't help but feel that we are only seeing the beginning of things to come.