My cock - Beautiful!
Taken a few years ago - Though it's still pretty much the same only it has a 6mm PA in it now!
Thought it might be of interest to some!
Might end up looking different in the near future though as i'm plucking up the courage to get a circumcision
very hot, and my favourite type of curve… :hot2:
I would change the title of this thread from 'Simple' to 'BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!'
And please, for the sake of my fantasy, don't go circumsizin'… hahahahahaha...
(seriously- it's your cock and you can do what you please, but... a foreskin is a terrible thing to waste!)
You're all too kind.
I hear what you say about the Circ but i've got to do it - The thought of a tightly cut cock on me just turns me on too much!
That means a lot coming from LeatherBear
Taken a few years ago - Though it's still pretty much the same only it has a 6mm PA in it now!
Thought it might be of interest to some!
Might end up looking different in the near future though as i'm plucking up the courage to get a circumcision
You're cock is so beautiful! I'd be a happy man if I had a boyfriend with a dick like yours.
Why do you want to circumcise your cock? -
Just something I have wanted for so long.
I love the look of tightly circumcised cocks and even now I can only cum if i pull my foreskin right back and hold it there as i jerk off.
All i need to do is find out how to do it
Maybe if i had a cut partner i'd be more interested in his cock and less interested in getting mine done!
I'm cut.
Just sayin'…........ hahahahahaha
And a million miles away i bet
Nice cock, very lovable.
I guess the owner is a really nice guy, too :hug2:
foreskin transplant? :cry2:
Post subject changed from "My cock - Simple!" to "My cock - Beautiful!" by group conscience.
Simply Suckable! More please. Maybe soft and hard. ::)
Simply Suckable! More please. Maybe soft and hard. ::)
x2 with that sexy accent of course ;D
wow i like