Randobear (me), nude
here i am
Edited to remove live links and 1 pic deleted by outside host ~ leatherbear
Second Woof!
and a meow from me!!!
nice pictures and thanks for the comment on my pics :hug2: -
thx to all
@dvtrboy1987: tried to MP you but i can't because your profile restrictions :cry2: -
uuhm i may sound like a noob but what is MP? or do you maybe mean PM? ;D
uuhm i may sound like a noob but what is MP? or do you maybe mean PM? ;D
Of course, MP is PM in Italian, sorry! :-[
hehe ok well i got your MP/PM and answered it aswell
here i am
Che bell'asta Randobear, complimenti ;D
Wow, nice cock mister ;D
grazie, caro! Se vuoi favorire…
grazie, caro! Se vuoi favorire…
Farei volentieri il falegname per te, e ti offrirei una sega ;D
grazie, caro! Se vuoi favorire…
Farei volentieri il falegname per te, e ti offrirei una sega ;D
Parliamone! Come già detto in altro post, non siamo nemmeno lontani… e da sega nasce... sega! ;D Contattami con un MP, che io non ci riesco a mandartene (a causa delle restrizioni del tuo profilo
) :hug:
Contattami con un MP, che io non ci riesco a mandartene (a causa delle restrizioni del tuo profilo
) :hug:
Idem io, non riesco a contattarti causa restrizioni profilo
Contattami con un MP, che io non ci riesco a mandartene (a causa delle restrizioni del tuo profilo
) :hug:
Idem io, non riesco a contattarti causa restrizioni profilo
segnatelo che poi lo cancello. sostituisci [AT] con @
non quotare questo post
Glad this thread got 'bumped' as I missed it before.
I wonder why so very many Italians are f*cking incredibly hot. I bet your talking/speech would just melt me. Arghhhhhh.
I bet your talking/speech would just melt me. Arghhhhhh.
I can teach you something in italian if you would
i'm waiting for yr news, Sandro!
How old r u? ;D
Absolutely not! try also to contact me on happysexo.com, same nick. :blind:
Absolutely not! try also to contact me on happysexo.com, same nick. :blind:
I was on that site a few years ago, but I was wasting my time, so I deleted my account. Sorry!
Anyway, I can suggest some other good gay sites where to go, and to have lots of parties