Please stop the flood
Please stop flooding this forum - you push all the other recent topics of that list
I don't mind the jokes, however, I don't see why each one needs its own thread.
I don't mind any posts - I can ignore the ones that don't interest me.
Why does he do it? I suspect because each entry earns him 2 bonus points and he has/had his download disabled . What really annoys me is that I don't see all the recent posts and that is bad manners by the poster.
And this is a GAY PORN TORRENT site primarily - I am sure there are better sites for telling jokes :sigh:
My god, now we're getting a flood of replies containing just one smilie… the world has gone mad :crazy2:
Should the user be reported or is it negligible? or do we just let the admins deal with it?
Another rule?
Well I reported the poster in exasperation this morning when ALL 10 pages in my 'recent Posts' list were taken by the same %^&*ing 'Joke' poster.
Another rule? I don't know but could we perhaps give them some seed bonus points to go away
Perhaps buy them a subscription to a Joke site so they leave us Porn Pros in peace
It is two different accounts that are posting and the threads are being read.
My god, now we're getting a flood of replies containing just one smilie… the world has gone mad :crazy2:
, crazy smilies were mine… Won't do it again, I promise LOL
I'm not really bothered whether the threads are being read - the flood is stopping me from reading other recent posts
You know what cannon mc,when i see a joke i like, i save it and post it when i get a chance. Not everyone in here is sad like you and constantly have their hands on their dick, if my jokes make even one person smile or brings cheer to a bad day i'm very happy with with myself, You are more than welcome to report me but the way i see it if Jokes & Funny Stuff weren't welcome in this forum why is there even a category? At this time i will like to invite you to join the long line of people waiting to kiss my beautiful Brazilian ass.
My beef is not with the jokes, per se but with the flood of them in a short space of time which completely distorts the Recent Post listing.
I would consider kissing whatever you are inviting me to but navy blue on a black background is not easy to read.
A fairly cynical attempt to boost ratios ::)
You know what cannon mc,when i see a joke i like, i save it and post it when i get a chance. Not everyone in here is sad like you and constantly have their hands on their dick, if my jokes make even one person smile or brings cheer to a bad day i'm very happy with with myself, You are more than welcome to report me but the way i see it if Jokes & Funny Stuff weren't welcome in this forum why is there even a category? At this time i will like to invite you to join the long line of people waiting to kiss my beautiful Brazilian ass.
:police: That last bit is crossing the line a bit. :police:
Instead of flooding the forums all at once with countless jokes, try posting small amounts more often. That way everyone wins.
10 pages of a single member's posts screams "problems". As was already stated, it makes it hard to follow/find topics that you (generic) want to keep.
The traditional rule is that jokes of 1 category (ie: "a priest walks into a bar…....") can be posted together in a single post/thread. But unrelated jokes get separate posts.
What is it with this forum - 100 one-liners, mostly with the same subject (plus a number) in the space of a few minutes :crazy2:
PS I now have to go through each forum individually to see if there are recent posts - I ran out of pages on the Recent Posts link
All the "Yo momma" jokes should have been posted in one thread.
So I take a break and the same person has posted another three pages of so-called 'jokes'.
WTF 10+ pages of jokes…. come on! Make one thread and just post in that one... Grrrrrrr
That poster is just abusing the forum. He is spoiling things for other people in an exceptionally selfish way
I muted the offender, so he can no longer post in the forums.
He was flooding the forums to get bonus points.