American Horror Story. Which one is better?
the first season was epic too!!!
I really loved the second one, its one of the few that actually ties everything in the end. Tho the Hotel one was pretty good ( mostly because of Lady Gaga and Evans ) the ending was a bit meh
Worse imho, the Witches, SOOOOOOOO underused, such an amazing set up for nothing
Also liked Circus, because of the charachters and the bad guy
Am i the only one who thinks Freakshow was amazing? the best season IMHO
Murder House - didn't really like the rest ; Lucifer Nun in Asylum was hilarious and awesome though. I find the reuse of actors in a new story to be an exhilarating idea, just find it sad that there's always 'too' much going on at a slow as f*** pace, and then a rushed end. Horrible writing.
I agree with Karofski, besides, to me Evan Peters as a young killer teen in season 1 was soooo hot, specially with the vinyl suit on
just finished Hotel and that was by far my favourite so far!
i really love season 3(coven) and the season 5(Hotel), two of my best interests Witches and gagging FAshion
:mob: :mbounce: :mbounce: :mb2: :mb2: :mob: :mob: :mbounce:
My favorites are Asylum and Coven. They were pretty different from each other, but if I had to choose one, I would choose Asylum. I loved Sarah Paulson's character and her ending was just great.
Definitely Coven was the best season so far.
Fantastic: Murder House , Coven , Hotel
Awful: Asylum and Freak Show -
After last night's episode I'm actually excited about a series of AHS for the first time in a long time.
Roanoke is very promising judging from episode 1. Hotel was okay, too much unnecessary sex scenes. Freak Show was god awful. Coven was okay, the whole witch theme was not used as it could have been, so much unused potential. Asylum was perfect in every way, every subplot was finished. Murder house was good.
Asylum was the best, Murder House was the second best, Coven is so much a teen series and the rest… well, you cand skip them altogether.
S6 is very promising. I kinda like the documentary style but is the season called "My Roanoke Nightmare" or is that the title of the show in the show? Either way I think they should drop it because it's cheesy
Murder House was the best for me.
S6 is very promising. I kinda like the documentary style but is the season called "My Roanoke Nightmare" or is that the title of the show in the show? Either way I think they should drop it because it's cheesy
UPDATE: Roanoke is the season's official name and the documentary show is called My Roanoke Nightmare
S6 is very promising. I kinda like the documentary style but is the season called "My Roanoke Nightmare" or is that the title of the show in the show? Either way I think they should drop it because it's cheesy
UPDATE: Roanoke is the season's official name and the documentary show is called My Roanoke Nightmare
For me Roanoke was the worst they tried to twist it like a reality series but it was awful
The last few episodes of Roanoke were awful. The last episode was especially bad.
Asylum is my favorite season!!!<3 it is just epic
I'll be brief:
1. Asylum. (10/10)
2. Murder House. (7/10)
3. Freak Show. (5/10)
4. Coven. (4/10)
5. Roanoke. (3/10)
6. Hotel. (2/10)